Alexander Farnham Paradise was appropriately named for his grandfather, Alexander Farnham. He enjoys drawing, glass blowing and the outdoors. Alexander holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology from the University of Rhode Island and a Master of Science in Marine Science from Jacksonville University.
Alexander began glass blowing while a student at Punahou School in Honolulu, HI. He continued his glass blowing studies with Bill Riker while pursuing his senior project for East Greenwich High School in RI and while at URI. He continued his glass blowing studies at JU and later worked with a glass blower in southwestern Florida.
When drawing, Alexander shows a knack for capturing the essence of a situation with few strokes of the pen. This can be seen in his "My First Graphic Novel", the final project of a high school creative writing class, and in his cartoon blog "FishSchticks".
Alexander's other interests include: rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, scuba diving, beer making and bread baking.